Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 1

Sooooo I was REALLY excited to start today!!! It was beautiful outside so on the way to class I was snapping pictures left and right! After class, I met a few of my sweet friends on campus and we took a few pics together... after that, I got to talk to Allison and KBo on Skype and we took some fun pics too so it was SO HARD to pic a photo today!

I had it narrowed down to 5 of my favorites and Daniel helped me pick the top choice. Here's the winner:

although this is NOT the best picture I took all day, it did describe my day pretty well... here's the reasons why we picked it:
1. It's a self portrait (which is reccomended for Project 365 once a month)
2. Daniel thought it described that I was obsessing about getting a perfect photo for the day so that was what my day was about-- starting Project 365.
3. This was the first time I got to use my new fun REMOTE for the camera! SO neat!

Anyways... I guess it's a fun way to start off the YEAR of pictures! So I wanted to post some of the runner up pictures cause there were a few that I LOVED!

It's SPRING! Beautiful flowers on campus...

New friends that I met that day and more pretty flowers!!!

Allison, KBo and I on Skype!

Anyways, here's my April Fools day in photos :)

364 days left!!

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